
ePIPE® Team Awarded Two U.S. Patents for In-place Protection of Nonmetallic Pipes, Adding to Existing Portfolio of Over 30 Patents

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – FEBRUARY 13, 2018 Pipe Restoration Technologies, LLC (PRT), makers of the ePIPE, Lead-Free Leak-Free™ and LeadSmart® product lines, announced that it has been granted U.S. patents #9889469 and #9889470. These new patents relate to the ePIPE system of in-place pipe restoration where nonmetallic pipes can be protected in-place. Nonmetallic (or plastic

Disclosure of Lead (Pb) in Drinking Water is Trending in California

Sellers and Realtors agree – Test your property for lead as part of the selling process   Water quality issues have raised public awareness about the quality, safety and potential liability involving lead in a buildings piping system. Concerned? You ought to be. Properties built before 1986 likely have plumbing systems that include “lead contributors”

Check out the ePIPE 2017 Year in Review

2017 was a great year with many accomplishments for the ePIPE group. We would like to share a few of the highlights with you in our 2017 Year in Review.   Click here to see what we’ve been up to!

Is Lead (Pb) Part of Your Business Plan?

Make Lead (Pb) Part of Your Business – Ideal for Home Inspectors, Plumbers and Contractors With the dangers of lead (Pb) exposure making the news, more and more cities around the nation are looking for solutions to high levels of lead in their drinking water. Home owners and landlords are taking action to test their

Pittsburgh Water (PWSA) Looks to ePIPE to Make Lead Water Lines Safer

Under a pilot program agreement with PWSA aimed at reducing lead leaching from drinking water supply pipes, Pipe Restoration Technologies, using its patented ePIPE technology has completed the in-place coating of “private side” service lines at six Pittsburgh area homes. In Pittsburgh, PWSA estimates as many as 17,750 residential service lines contain lead. These are

ePIPE® Team Awarded U.S. Patent – for application of an “in-place” coating to protect underground pipes against water loss due to leaks

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – August 29, 2017 Pipe Restoration Technologies, LLC, (PRT) makers of the ePIPE®, Lead-Free, Leak-Free™ and LeadSmart® product lines, announced that it has been granted U.S. patent #9744561. This patent is related to the ePIPE system of in-place pipe restoration which provides protection to underground pipes against leaks and harmful lead and

ePIPE® Team Awarded U.S. Patent – for application of an “in-place” coating to protect drinking water pipes against corrosion and leaks

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – August 9, 2017 Pipe Restoration Technologies, LLC, (PRT) makers of the ePIPE®, Lead-Free, Leak-Free™ and LeadSmart® product lines, announced that it has been granted U.S. patent #9724730, This patent is related to the ePIPE system of in-place pipe restoration which provides protection against leaks and the harmful effects of corrosion, potentially

ePIPE Provides USEPA with a Rehabilitation Solution to Fixing Lead Service Lines (LSL’s)

Last year, ePIPE participated with Providence Water in Rhode Island on a program of  in-place rehabilitation of lead water service lines using the patented ePIPE technology. Coating Technologies”. The report recommends coating of lead service lines (LSL’s) to be considered an option to replacement. This study was jointly funded by the Water Research Foundation (WRF) and the U.S.

ePIPE® Team Awarded US PATENT – Bringing Lead Leaching from Lead Service Lines into Compliance

Las Vegas, NV – June 20, 2017 Pipe Restoration Technologies, LLC, (PRT) makers of the ePIPE®, Lead-Free, Leak-Free™ and LeadSmart® product lines, announced that it has been granted U.S. patent #9611973, titled “Process for Coating the Interior Surfaces of Water Service Lines.” This patent is related to the ePIPE system of in-place pipe restoration which

ePIPE® Team Awarded US PATENT – Bringing Lead Leaching from Water Pipes into Compliance

Las Vegas, NV – April 7, 2017 Pipe Restoration Technologies, LLC, (PRT) makers of the ePIPE, Lead Free-Leak Free™, and LeadSmart product lines, announced that it has been granted US patent, #9611973. This patent is related to its ePIPE System of “in-place” pipe restoration providing protection against leaks and harmful lead and copper leaching. ePIPE