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Domestic pipe-work cured of leakage

FMS (Facilities Management Services) reached out to Pipe Restoration Services seeking a modern solution to leaky copper water pipes on domestic water systems

Address issues with numerous pinhole leaks found throughout the domestic water system.

125m of domestic pipe-work restored in-place.
Minimal disruption to customers and buildings by using adaptors to insert resin at convenient locations within building.


Numerous pinhole leaks had been found throughout the domestic water system. The leaks were causing cosmetic damage to the property, but if left unresolved had the potential to cause more serious problems. The copper pipes however, were difficult to access and replacement would have required significant disruption and cost.

Solution:  The action required to correct the damage, was to reline the drinking water pipes using the patented ePIPE epoxy lining method (EP2099581) and the approved lining material. Relining the pipes would seal existing leaks and prevent further damage from occurring.

“The alternative option, pipe replacement, would have required an unacceptable level of disruption.”

The project was completed within a few days and incorporated the use of engineered by-pass valves which permitted the ePIPE process to be applied directly through exiting valves, thereby reducing the need to gain access to the piping system by breaking into walls. The complete water piping system was restored in-place.

ePIPE makes refurbishment, rather than replacement, the first choice.  Reuse of existing assets is central to the circular economy model. ePIPE incorporates intelligent design by refurbishing the existing asset, extending its life , thereby reducing waste and consumption of new materials.

Key Facts

  • 125m of domestic pipe-work restored in-place
  • On-site work completed within 4 days
  • Minimal disruption to customers and buildings by using adaptors to insert resin at convenient locations
Pipe Restoration ServicesDomestic pipe-work cured of leakage